Upload Your Videos




All competitors must need to submit their videos and music scores in the correct file format on or before the stipulated deadlines.


Instrumental and vocal competitions video recordings and music scores: 15 July, 2024 (by 11:59 p.m. HKT)

Music composition competition audio recordings and music scores: 31 July, 2024 (by 11:59 p.m. HKT)



錄音賽事及樂譜:2024年7月15日 (香港時間11:59 前)

音樂創作錄音及樂譜:2024年7月31日 (香港時間11:59 前)


1. Video recording format and specifications

The video recording has to be a single, continuous long-shot video. The video recording should be original and not edited. Competitors should not stop or pause the video during video recording. 

Competitors can choose to perform the piece or repertoire from music score or from memory. 

Competitors should follow the following recording format when making their video recordings. The video recordings should be uploaded to the online submission system.


1.1 Resolution

The video recording resolution should be at least 720p (1280 x 720), the highest resolution caps at 1080p (1920 x 1080). Any videos that used a resolution higher than 1080p cannot be submitted to the uploading system of the Association. The videos should clearly capture both the competitor and/or accompanist. It is noticeable that a high resolution and sound quality video recording will hinder file uploading due to massive file size.


1.2 Format

Video recording format should be MP4, MOV, WMV or AVI.

Music scores format should be in PDF format for submission. In case the music scores can only be sent in JPG or PNG picture formats, competitors should arrange the music score page numbers. All the page numbers of the pictures should align with the music recorded in the video. Due to uploading file size, it is suggested to compress or zip the pictures of the music scores before uploading.


1.3 File size

Video recording file size should not exceed 5 GB.

Music scores file size should not exceed 3 GB. It is strongly suggested to use PDF format for the music scores.


1.4 Video requirements 

Competitor and/or accompanist (if any) in the video should follow the video requirements.


1.4.1 Competitors

The video recording should show the competitors’ face, hands and feets clearly. This is especially important for piano and percussion classes.


1.4.2 Accompanists

In the video recordings, half-person or full-person images of the accompanists are allowed. However, the video should clearly show the accompanists’ face and hand movements. It is worth noticing that the accompanist should play the accompaniment part from the live performance during the video recording. Any pre-recorded accompaniment or playback of the accompaniment are not allowed. 


1.4.3 Backing track in pop music solo classes

Pop music solo classes can use backing tracks when videotaping their performance. The backing track has to be submitted when uploading the video recording in separate files.


1.5 Video recording file name - for all Western, Chinese instrumental and vocal classes

When submitting video recording, competitors should use one of the following file name formats.

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code.mp4

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code.mov

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code.wmv

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code.avi

When submitting music scores, competitors should use one of the following file name formats.

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code.pdf

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code_PageNumber.jpg

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code_PageNumber.png


1.6 Video recording file name - for all pop music solo classes

For pop music solo classes, competitors should submit video recording, backing track and music scores.

When submitting video recording, competitors should use one of the following file name formats.

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code.mp4

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code.mov

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code.wmv

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code.avi

When submitting backing tracks, competitors should use one of the following file name formats.

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code_BackingTrack.mp4

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code_BackingTrack.m4p

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code_BackingTrack.mov

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code_BackingTrack.avi

When submitting music scores, competitors should use one of the following file name formats.

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code.pdf

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code_PageNumber.jpg

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code_PageNumber.png


1.7 Video recording file name - for all piano duets, Western music ensemble, recorder ensemble, vocal ensemble, percussion ensemble, Chinese music ensemble and pop music group 

Competitors of these groups should submit video recordings and music scores

When submitting video recording, competitors of these groups should use one of the following file name formats.

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code_Video.mp4

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code_Video.mov

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code_Video.wmv

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code_Video.avi

When submitting music scores, competitors of these groups should use one of the following file name formats.

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code.pdf

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code_PageNumber.jpg

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code_PageNumber.png


1.8 Video recording file name - for all group classes

Competitors of these groups should submit video recordings and music scores

When submitting video recording, competitors of these groups should use one of the following file name formats.

Competition Number_School Name (English)_Class Code_Video.mp4

Competition Number_School Name (English)_Class Code_Video.mov

Competition Number_School Name (English)_Class Code_Video.wmv

Competition Number_School Name (English)_Class Code_Video.avi

When submitting music scores, competitors of these groups should use one of the following file name formats.

Competition Number_School Name (English)_Class Code.pdf

Competition Number_School Name (English)_Class Code_PageNumber.jpg

Competition Number_School Name (English)_Class Code_PageNumber.png

2. Composition classes submission requirements

2.1 Audio recording submission of music composition classes

For all competitors of music composition classes, their music compositions should be submitted in MP3 format. The music scores should be submitted in PDF format. In case the music scores can only be sent in JPG or PNG picture formats, competitors should arrange the music score page numbers. All the page numbers of the pictures should align with the music recorded in the video. Due to uploading file size, it is suggested to compress or zip the pictures of the music scores before uploading.


2.2 Audio recording file name

When submitting audio recording, competitors should use one of the following 

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code.mp3


2.3 Music scores file name 

It is highly recommended the competitors to submit music score in PDF format.When submitting music scores, competitors should use the following format: 

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code.pdf

Where competitors submit their music scores in JPG or PNG image format, competitors should use the following file format: 

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code_PageNumber.jpg

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code_PageNumber.png

2.4 Brief introduction to the composition

Competitors should provide an approximately 200 words brief introduction to the composition. The file size should not exceed 3 GB. The recommended file format is PDF, DOC or DOCX.

Where competitors submit their brief introduction in PDF, DOC or DOCX format, competitors should use the following file format: 

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code.pdf

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code.doc

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code.docx


3. Video recording instructions and specifications

3.1 Video recording venue

Competitors should make the video recording at the indoor venue with sufficient quietness and lighting. A simple background without any virtual or projected background during videotaping is necessary. This is to ensure the competitor’s performance can be reasonably heard in the video recording. Switch off mobile phones or other electronic devices during video recording.


3.2 Recording devices

Competitors can use any kind of recording device. This includes but is not limited to audio-visual recording devices, camcorders, cameras, smartphones, electronic tablets, etc. The camera should be placed stable and still when recording. It is recommended to use a tripod or other tools to station the recording devices.

It is strongly suggested to turn the smartphones, electronic tablets or smartwatches to flight mode or switch them off. This is to avoid white noise and wave interruptions during videotaping.


3.3 Notes of video recording devices and during recording

Before video recording, the competitors should ensure the recording devices are free from obstacles. They should also check and ensure that the devices have enough storage capacity and battery for a smooth video recording process.


The video can be videotaped on either landscape or portrait. Competitors’ faces should be clearly recorded and be freed from any obstacles, e.g., music stand or other subjects at the recording venue. The music stand should be stationed at a suitable distance and height. This can be done before the video recording begins. Where the repertoire requires an accompanist, the competitors can adjust the balance and volume before recording. This ensures a clear and balanced performance from the competitors.


All accompanists have to be in live performance and playing with the competitors during video recording. Any pre-recorded or playback of the accompaniment part will be deemed as ineffective accompaniment.


During video recording, it is possible to be helped by a third party (e.g., parents or teacher). Yet, the third party should not be videotaped in the recording.


4.1 Video recording procedure

When video recording, the competitors only need to present with a reasonable performing manner and performance. It is possible to include simple instrumental tuning for intonation purposes at the start of the video recording. Competitors are not required to recite their name and classes aloud.

Competitors can perform from their music score or from memory.

All video recordings should be deemed a single, complete and not edited video recording.


4.2 Filing after the video recording

Competitors information should be shown and filed in their video recording, uploading system and application system. Please follow clause 5.1 and follow the video file name and uploading, and clause 5.2 about music scores file name and uploading.


5. Video recording upload procedure

Competitors should fill in the required information in Google Form.


5.1 Video recording upload procedure

File size of the video recording for uploading should not exceed 5 GB.

Please check the file names when uploading the video recording.

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code_Video.mp3

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code_Video.mov

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Coder_Video.wmv

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Coder_Video.avi


5.2 Upload music score procedure

File size of the music scores for uploading should not exceed 3 GB. It is suggested to use PDF format.

Please check the file names when uploading the music scores.

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code_.pdf

If the competitors need to submit their music scores in JPG or PNG image format, please use the following file naming format:

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code_PageNumber.jpg

Competition Number_Competitor’s Last Name_Competitor’s First Name_Class Code_PageNumber.png


6. Uploading Issues

If competitors encounter technical issues during uploading their video recordings and/or music scores and required documents, please send your relevant video recordings, music scores and required documents to info.aihkmi@gmail.com on or before submission deadline. Please state clearly the competitors’ classes, name, competition number, performing pieces or repertoire and composer. This can help to differentiate the files from the other competitors.

For file naming of the relevant videos, music scores and documents, follow closely on the requirements of clauses 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 2.1, 2.2, 5.1 and 5.2.